
Xavier Manso Luis
Jaume Berenguer Puigtio
Marti Gutierrez Farre
Louise Emma Brown
Equip de suport
Francesc Sala
Oscar Guallar Hernandez



Som una petita representació dels MONTSENY MAASAIS i amb la col.laboracio de SALICRU, retrem homenatge al nostre amic i company XAVI NOVELL '' MAASAI'' , encarnador dels valors de la TRAILWALKER. SALUT, PAU i LLiBERTAT.





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Data Nom Import Comentari
19.04.2015 Lou Back 30,00€ What an amazing achievement. You should be very proud of what you have done. Bet your feet are sore today.... ! Much love xx
18.04.2015 Gillian Smith 30,00€ good luck Louise, we will all be thinking about you. Jill and Steve
17.04.2015 Edward Brown 100,00€ From me and lesley, good luck and have fun x
14.04.2015 william Brown 30,00€ Good luck Louise, hope it goes well and you do it in your expected time, Will and Melanie
12.04.2015 Tim and Chris Applewhite 20,00€ 63 miles. Blimey! Good Luck
12.04.2015 Robert Rose 20,00€ Good luck. Love Rob and Rosie
11.04.2015 Anónimo 50,00€ All the best and Good luck! Love Julia
11.04.2015 Patti & Tony Chico 60,00€ Come on, Louise! We're proud of you.