
Sebastian Alvarez Schlegel
Chiara Toietta
Gianluca Guerzoni
Pablo Escobedo
Equip de suport
Tabitha Ngugi
Aurora Folache




We are a team formed by students of Economics and Finance from Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (BGSE) and we wanted to take part in this cause and participate in the Oxfam Trailwalker Girona 2019. Our team is formed by people from different countries and backgrounds: Chiara and Gianluca from Italy, Davina from UK, Tabitha from Kenya, Pablo from Mexico, and Sebastian from Chile. We will walk the 100km together, from start to end.


Please support us with donations! We are organizing events and selling BGSE TW bags to fund raise the money! We need to raise at least €1500 before 6th of April and we need your help!


Check our bags here! https://shop.barcelonagse.eu/products/49-bgse-bag-trailwalker-edition.html


This money will be used for the "Water Bank" project, which has been helping mostly Ethiopian women have an easier access to drinking water since 2004.


Thank you for your support!


BGSE Not Fast Just Furious





Envia un SMS amb el text
TW G141 al 28018

Cost 1,2 euros (donació íntegra a Oxfam Intermón). Servei de SMS per a recaptació de fons en campanya de tipus solidari operat per Oxfam Intermón At. Client: 900 22 33 00, Ap. Correus 310, 08080 Barcelona. Hi col·laboren Movistar, Vodafone, Orange, Yoigo i Euskaltel. OXFAM INTERMÓN tractarà les teves dades personals amb la finalitat d´enviar-te informació i proposar-te altres tipus de participació. Si vols tenir més informació i vols conèixer com exercir els teus drets pots consultar la política de privacitat.


Data Nom Import Comentari
08.02.2019 Carlotta Simone 10,00€
03.02.2019 Ksenia Proka 30,00€
01.02.2019 Frederic Van Dyck 20,00€ Great initiative! Good luck BGSE team ;)
01.02.2019 Promo 2019 100,00€
30.01.2019 Bruno Guallar Lopez 30,00€ Barcelona GSE Trailwalker Alumni!
28.01.2019 Jodi Neufeld 25,00€ Great initiative!
25.01.2019 Tomas Chavez 30,00€ Y que tanto?!
25.01.2019 SMS 1,20€