El equipo

Anna Almirall Fernández
Sílvia Guivernau Aguadé
Zuberoa Marcos Uztárroz
David Villacorta Cantí
Support team
Raquel Martínez Pons
Cristina Robles Leiva



Send TW (space) G165 to 28018.

Cost: 1.2 euro (full donation to Oxfam Intermón). Fund-raising text service in solidarity campaign run by Oxfam Intermón (www.oxfamintermon.org) Customer Service: 900 22 33 00, PO Box 310 – 08080 Barcelona. Collaborators: Movistar, Vodafone, Orange, Yoigo and Euskaltel. OXFAM INTERMÓN will process your personal data to send you information and propose other types of participation. For further information and instructions on exercising your rights, you may consult the privacy policy.


Date Name Amount Comment
18.01.2016 Anónimo 5,00€
18.01.2016 Kat Goodchild 20,00€ Molta sort, equip!!
18.01.2016 jordi colera 30,00€ bon projecte, molta sort!!
17.01.2016 Rosamaría Alberdi Castell 30,00€ Molts ànims i felicitats per la iniciativa
16.01.2016 Miriam Casellas Gibert 10,00€ Un equipàs d'esportistes invencibles i fantàstiques persones. Salut, somriures i kms, TEAM!! Life is movement!!
16.01.2016 Isaac Fores 30,00€
15.01.2016 Tatjana Lobza 20,00€
14.01.2016 M. Teresa LUIS RODRIGO 20,00€ Endavant i bona sort. Estic segura que assolireu el repte!