El equipo

Andrew Whitmarsh
Joe Speck
James Taylor
Mateusz Ślusarczyk
Equipo de apoyo
Shannah Morgan
Robert Morgan



We are Andrew, Joe, James, Mateusz, Rob and Shannah - a team of wild and crazy folks that love nothing more than challenging ourselves to taking on adventures, for good causes. The ongoing drought in Spain has resonated with us deeply and brought the climate crisis right into our homes - with this in mind, we jumped (literally) at the chance to support in raising funds for Oxfam.

While we hail from the US and the UK, we all call Barcelona home. Our love of the land, food and people brought us here and is keeping us here. We are looking forward to crossing Catalonia through both day and night and seeing what a toll 100km takes on a person. Our goal is to get through in 24 hours so we get more time on the beach upon arrival!

We look forward to meeting all the other teams in Olot and eventually at the coast - see you there!


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Coste 1,2 euros (donación íntegra para Oxfam Intermón). Servicio de SMS para recaudación de fondos en campaña de tipo solidario operado por Oxfam Intermón At. Cliente: 900 22 33 00, Ap. Correos 310 – 08080 Barcelona. Colaboran Movistar, Vodafone, Orange, Yoigo y Euskaltel. OXFAM INTERMÓN tratará tus datos personales con la finalidad de enviarte información y proponerte otros tipos de participación. Si quieres saber más y quieres conocer cómo ejercer tus derechos puedes consultar la política de privacidad.


Fecha Nombre Importe Comentario
06.04.2024 Yen Tovar 30,00€
06.04.2024 Stephanie Offord 20,00€ Go team! I know you can do this!
05.04.2024 Anónimo 60,00€
05.04.2024 Carina Cardalda 30,00€
05.04.2024 Sam Downend 23,00€ Good luck Joe, keep us informed on your progress during the event
04.04.2024 James Dring 30,00€ Good luck Joe!
04.04.2024 Ivan Croxford 30,00€ Best foot forward
04.04.2024 Anónimo 15,00€ "Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." C.