El equipo

Montse Monmany Rivas
Miguel Guillén Calvo
Ricard Ferre Navarro
Juan Diego Rueda Pacheco
Support team
Beatriz Bueno Vizcarra
Toni Romagosa Alabreda


Nombre empresa: 
Banc Sabadell

Send TW (space) G5620 to 28018.

Cost: 1.2 euro (full donation to Oxfam Intermón). Fund-raising text service in solidarity campaign run by Oxfam Intermón (www.oxfamintermon.org) Customer Service: 900 22 33 00, PO Box 310 – 08080 Barcelona. Collaborators: Movistar, Vodafone, Orange, Yoigo and Euskaltel. OXFAM INTERMÓN will process your personal data to send you information and propose other types of participation. For further information and instructions on exercising your rights, you may consult the privacy policy.


Date Name Amount Comment
01.04.2024 Marco Antonio Gomez Zurera 30,00€
21.03.2024 Xavier Delgado de Torres Pujiula 30,00€ Vinga penya... quants records que em venen al cap d'aquesta experiència... gaudiu a tope!!!!
18.03.2024 Albert Magdaleno 30,00€
15.03.2024 Joan Serra Casals 10,00€ Endavant les atxes! Ja ho teniu fet! Almenys els 1500. Ànims!
15.03.2024 Nuria Escudero Olias 20,00€ Vamos cracks!!
15.03.2024 XAVIER MONMANY RIVAS 30,00€ A PER TOTES CAMPIONS!!! PD. Si no us veig al podi, us retiro el donatiu. :-DDD
15.03.2024 AURORA DUGO ÁLVAREZ 30,00€
15.03.2024 Mario Pardos Sebastián 30,00€ Sois unos makinas coño!!!!?