El equipo

Andy Burns
James Petrie
Dan Ager
Matthijs De Geus
Equipo de apoyo
Catherine Burns
Elijah Burns



Welcome to the Team whose name was created by one of our beloved teenagers. Aways good to feel supported!

The reason why we, as a group of middle-aged men, have signed up to walk 100KM is because climate change is impacting the lives of millions of people due to droughts, floods, tornadoes and hurricanes. 

Through the funds raised for Oxfam, together we can improve access to safe water, adequate hygiene, sanitation conditions and develop new projects that will allow the most vulnerable people to adapt to the effects of climate change and be able to have a dignified life.


Please be generous, because with every step, pound and euro Oxfam will be able to respond to humanitarian emergencies caused by climate change such as floods or droughts. 


Thank you

Andy, Dan, Matthijs and James






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Fecha Nombre Importe Comentario
22.02.2025 Lucinda Faraldo 120,00€ (As a basically fairly unfit person who once raised money
22.02.2025 Maria Kovac 5,00€ This is a great initiative for a great cause. We send you positive vibes and hope you'll do more walking, and running, and less falling and crying!
19.02.2025 Alejandra Chapman 5,00€ You can do it !
18.02.2025 Judith Dean 20,00€
10.02.2025 Judith Hymer 25,00€
10.02.2025 Richard Strafford 20,00€ Good luck all!
07.02.2025 Rosie Ridley 20,00€ Good luck team!
06.02.2025 Neil Tetley 60,00€ Good luck. Rather you than me!